Need Assistance Transforming A Challenging Legal Situation? We Are Prepared To Assist You.
Initial Consultation, 45 min., $150.
The goal of an initial contact is for our lawyers to gain a clear understanding of the situation and determine if The Calhoun Law Firm, PLC, can be of assistance. A consultation extends this activity. It is an opportunity for the client to learn about the applicable law, and to develop a plan to handle the problem or claim.
Common issues addressed include:
- How should I setup my business?
- How do I protect my brand?
- I’ve been sued, how do I defend a lawsuit?
- I want to sue, how do I bring a lawsuit?
- Can you tell me what these contact terms mean?
- Is it legal to …
During this session, we gather relevant information, ascertains your objectives, evaluates the legal and non-legal aspects of the situation, develops and analyzes possible strategies and tactics, and develops a plan of action. It is often useful for the client to prepare a short chronology of material events for the initial consultation. This saves time and helps identify the significant events and people and organize supporting data and documentation. The client is expected to pay for the initial consultation before the beginning of the consultation. Upon booking an initial consultation; you will receive an email facilitating payment. If after your reduced fee consultation, you would like to retain The Calhoun Law Firm, PLC, for future representation, we will send you an engagement letter detailing the scope of our services and our fee.
To schedule a consultation with an attorney, please call the firm or complete the intake form below.
The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.